I believe I am beginning to experience a new level of The Holy Spirit's anointing in my life. As I have been endeavoring to spend more time with Jesus and be more obedient to Him, He is showing up with power to minister life to people I come into contact with. This was made clearly evident to me Sunday at the Chemung county Jail.
I have been going to the Jail to minister to the inmates for the past 8 years, but never in that time have I experienced a more "open heaven" than Sunday. It wasn't like giving an invitation and having guys raise their hands, then repeat the "sinners prayer" with no tears ever coming from them. Instead, the convicting -- drawing power of the Holy Spirit was bringing tears (many tears) to the prisoners. They were not tears of remorse but tears of true repentance. They realized the sin in their lives and genuinely wanted God to forgive them.
After singing, sharing, and testifying, the presence of the Holy Spirit was thick. I remember saying, "I have never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in this jail as I do right now. I believe whatever you want from God you can have it... right now. Whether it's healing of sickness, pain or disease, or deliverance from drugs, alcohol, or pornography... whatever you need from Him, He is here for it. RIGHT NOW!"
We began to pray for different needs of the men with the anointing of God on us. I could sense that freedom was coming to many.
At one point I asked if there was anyone who had never received Jesus before but would like to now. A young man named Will raised his hand. As he was looking at me, his eyes began to fill with tears, a flood of tears. He came running up to the front of the room. I knew this was different.
I explained to him very briefly what was happening and then asked him to talk to God in his own words (not a repeat after me prayer). It was beautiful. With tears running down his cheeks he asked God to forgive him. It wasn't the typical Christian lingo, but was truly from Will's heart straight to the heart of the Father. We joined with the heavens and rejoiced as this sinner was being saved by grace.
After Will, several men came up to rededicate their lives to Jesus. They had fallen away and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit drew them back with tears.
It was an incredible day. Great victory for the Kingdom of God that day. I believe it is only the beginning of what is ahead if we will stay in His presence and do what we see Him doing!
"And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh..." Joel 2:28
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