Friday, July 04, 2008

Rob Hotchkin: "Flame On! It is Time to Let the Lord Search Us and Consume Us!"

The following is from

Rob HotchkinFlames of Passion

A new level of burning is coming. God's love for His people is inspiring a passionate response that is causing an entire generation to cry out for the flames of His love - because nothing else satisfies.

As we allow His love to consume us and everything in us that is not of Him, these flames of passion will begin to light fires that not only burn in our hearts, but turn us into torches of blazing light. The light in us will draw those who do not yet know Him into the flames of His presence.

I have seen visions of Believers who have allowed God to search them, separate them, and so consume them with the fires of His holy love, that they spontaneously burst into heavenly flames of His presence. As these "human torches" arise and shine, going forth into the streets and communities of their cities and villages, people turn from their paths, come running up to them, and ask, "What is this flame that does not burn you? What is this fire that radiates off of you? What is this warmth?"

As these fiery ones extend their hands, the flames of God's passion for His creation that they carry so brightly, will begin to ignite others, drawing them into the inferno of His heart, consuming every work of the enemy. The sick are healed. The blind see. The deaf hear. The dead are raised. Demons flee. Entire cities and villages will call upon the name of the Lord, receiving the love of Jesus into their hearts and declaring Him as Lord of their lives.

It is time to arise and shine. It is time to let the Lord search us and consume us. It is time to cry out for His holy fire to come and ignite our hearts with a new level of passionate response to His love, embracing His fiery presence and carrying it out to a world that desperately needs to know this God who so dearly loves them.

Encountering the Heart of God

In Exodus 3, we read the story of Moses encountering the burning bush. When Moses saw this blazing fire, he was not seeking a sign, a wonder, or even a getaway with God. He was simply going about his everyday business, tending the flock. But when God allowed His burning heart for His people to manifest as a blazing fire, Moses could not help but respond.

In Exodus 3:3, we read that Moses felt compelled to turn aside. When he did, he had a powerful God-encounter that forever changed his image of himself and launched him out into a miracle ministry that delivered an entire people group from bondage and suffering. He was set ablaze with God's heart for the Israelites, and he burned with God's purpose to see them set free.

This revelation of God's love for His people fueled Moses to press in again and again, moving in the miraculous and expecting the impossible - until he saw it come to pass.

God is always with us (Joshua 1:5). He is always near. He is always waiting for us to turn aside from the thoughts and concerns of the world, and move into His powerful presence (James 4:8). When we do, just like Moses, we will step out of the everyday and into the holy. We will go from our limited understanding to the revelation that all things are possible.

The key is to connect with the burning heart of God and let it set us ablaze with a passion for what He is passionate about.

It does not matter where you have been. It does not matter who you have been. All that matters is that God is calling out, waiting for those to respond who are willing to be His fiery ones. He is searching to and fro for men and women who will turn aside from where they have been and come to the place of the burning bush, the place of His fiery passion, where He can set them ablaze with His heart and send them forth for His purpose.

God Wants to Make Us Flames of Fire

The Lord wants to bring us to the place of the burning bush, the place where we encounter His fiery passionate love. Not only so we know how loved we are, but so that we realize how loved all the world is (John 3:16).

This revelation is what enables us to surrender all. It allows us to love and trust Him so completely that we lay down our agendas, turn aside from the everyday, and launch out into the miraculous. It is what ignites us to be His flames of fire that burn - so the world might know His light.

When we allow God to set us ablaze with His heart for the lost, we truly become burning ones – carrying His passion and presence to a world that does not yet know Him. We go from the place of the burning bush where we encounter His love, to being burning bushes that carry His love.

As we blaze with His love, shining brilliantly with the gifts and fruits of the Spirit that witness that love to the world, many will be drawn from the paths they have been on and into encounters with the Holy One! Many will be healed. Many will be delivered. Many will be saved.

John Wesley once said, "I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn." John the Baptist was a burning man in the desert and all of Judea and the district of the Jordan were drawn to him to hear about Jesus (see Matthew 3:5). And Scripture tells us that the day is near when God will send out an army of those who will move in flame and fire (Joel 2:2–3).

Do you want to be one of them? Then go to the place of the burning bush – the place of His presence – where you will encounter the fiery passion of God for you and for all of creation. Cry out for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and for fire to turn you into a "human torch" that shines Jesus brightly for all the world to see.

Flame on!

Rob Hotchkin
Extreme Prophetic


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Chuck Pierce: "FLORIDA OUTPOURING Receives Endorsements and Oversight - Includes Chuck Pierce, C. Peter Wagner, Che Ahn, Bill Johnson, and more!

This comes courtesy of the

by Chuck Pierce

Chuck Pierce

We have had several people write with great concerns about the current move of God that has been stirring in Lakeland, Atlanta, Dallas and other areas of our nation. Let me share some things with you.

Advancing the Body of Christ

We at Glory of Zion International have chosen to number ourselves in intercession with what is happening in Lakeland and other places throughout the world. Some have written asking me to reject Todd Bentley. Glory of Zion International does not have a philosophy or mindset to reject anyone. We watch, pray, and then try to communicate what the Lord is saying to help the overall Body of Christ advance.

I have seen others get offended because key leaders commissioned Todd as a modern day evangelist. We at Glory of Zion have no problems with this new commissioning. Please know that we are living in an age where the apostolic gift in the Body has come into a new position and era of authority. I was very excited to read Peter Wagner's report on the commissioning service in Lakeland. I admire Ché Ahn, Bill Johnson, and John Arnott. I can now rest in the LORD, knowing that if things get out of sync, this team can help Todd make adjustments so the Spirit can keep moving.

We will continue to pray that the Lord raises up even more evangelists all over the world who can reach the harvest fields today. Yes, they may look different than Billy Graham, and they may have experienced some unusual happenings that perhaps will be more easily communicated as time goes on and we all grow in the Lord. But, overall, they are stirring the Body of Christ, leading people to the Lord, and doing the works of Jesus!

Eat the Meat and Spit Out the Bones

Let me share with you a personal experience. When Pam and I were in the Baptist Church in the early '80s, we were in a "move of God." The Fullness Movement had touched the Baptist Church in the late '70s, led by Jim Hylton, Ras Robinson, Jack Taylor and others. We had had some incredible meetings at our church. Many had gotten saved, gotten right with the Lord and filled with the Spirit of God. I loved this time. Pam and I both reminisce over it and call it "the Glory Days."

Then James Robison had his annual meeting and invited John Wimber to minister. Many of you remember our story of Pam's barrenness. You can read about it in two or three of the books that we have written. We were told by all of our leadership how this "move" had gotten way out of hand, and now that John Wimber (who had no Baptist roots), was invading James Robison's meeting, we should all stay away from these gatherings. (You should know that John Wimber and Peter Wagner helped revive signs and wonders in the '80s.) Well, I heard God very clearly tell Pam and me to go in January, 1984, to the James Robison meeting where John Wimber was speaking. While we were there, the Spirit of God fell on my wife and sovereignly filled her. His power knocked the clots out of her uterus and He dramatically healed her. When the Spirit of God fell on Pam she said, "You were right! There are demons everywhere, but I AM HEALED!"

This was not about John Wimber. This was not about Baptists. This was not about controversy. This test was ours! The situation was about us following God without fear so He could reward us with an incredible blessing. Pam became pregnant two weeks later and continued to be pregnant for the next 10 years of our lives. We had six wonderful children. I'm so thankful I listened to the Spirit of God and did not let religious fear rule us. There were others with us that were not touched at all by the meetings. As a matter of fact, they did not appreciate at all the way John Wimber ministered. However, in the midst of his ministry, the Spirit of God ministered to us and changed the course of our lives.

I am honored that God brought me into alignment with Peter and Doris Wagner after I embraced the move of God that had been stirred by he and John Wimber. We have now been together for 17 years. During that time, I have continued to get the best God has to offer from the revivals in Argentina, Toronto, the "Laughter Movement," Brownsville, and any other fresh breath of wind that blows. I have many friends who have great cautions over experiential manifestations and extra-Biblical, sensational happenings. I heed those friends' voices and listen carefully. This does not keep me from experiencing what God is doing. I love what Bishop Bill Hamon says, "Eat the meat and spit out the bones and you will find yourself nourished."

From Chaos to Order

Recently, I have been pondering the first several verses of Genesis. In the midst of a wreck and ruined, chaotic, without-form earth, the Spirit of God began to hover. Once the Spirit began to hover, God could speak into the earth realm and pull forth creativity. He did this for six straight days. But notice God's order: He didn't try and set in order the sixth day before the first day. He didn't try to place the fourth day before the second day. Little by little, as the Spirit hovered, order came and man was offered a new position as a result. That is how I view every move of God.

What I would encourage you to do is to keep discerning by the Word and the Spirit, but to be open to see the Lord move in a new way. The disciples could not understand why the Lord would go to Samaria and visit with the woman at the well. However, because of His love and boldness to break a religious standard, a whole city was saved (John 4). The Lord is preparing to save entire cities today.


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries

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