Friday, February 16, 2007


by Steve Shultz

"More will be accomplished through acts of love, acts of kindness, and simply REAL LOVE FROM THE HEART"

Steve ShultzEven as the darkness grows deeper throughout the earth, this year, 2007, the light will get much brighter than anyone remotely expects.

Hollywood will come more alive for Christ.

Many in the Church will learn, some for the first time ever, what it means to actually love both sinners, who are unsaved, and those in the Church who are caught in sin.

We, the Church as a Corporate Body, more unified than in any recent memory, will learn that when Jesus says, "We are to love our enemies," He actually means those very words--and obedience to Christ is expected AND rewarded from Heaven.

Furthermore, we will learn and grow to understand this year that if we are commanded by Jesus to love our enemies, how much more then, does God ask us to love those who are the Children of the Kingdom--no matter how "faulty" they are in our eyes. That means this year we will begin to tap into the HOUSE OF LOVE.

The House of Love

Love will be the thing most called upon by God in 2007--both the emotional feelings and the prophetic acts of love. It will reach the highest level of all time beginning this year, accomplishing great miracle activity in the Heavenly realms and on the earth below.

Again, the Church and those of the Kingdom will begin to finally grasp what the Spirit of God is truly saying about THE HOUSE OF LOVE!

The "John" spirit (the spirit of love that was upon the apostle John), who laid his head on Jesus' breast, will become the normative spirit operating in our bodily temples, our hearts and minds, and in the Church during these emerging days.

More will be accomplished through acts of love, acts of kindness, and simply REAL LOVE FROM THE HEART for the lost and the saved, and also for Israel. This "new" love will even include love for those of all other religions and mindsets.

Again, more will be accomplished through this love than the Church has accomplished through every other method they've ever tried or used to date.

Increased prayers and intercession will only amplify the love God is sending upon the earth.

Then LOVE will in turn amplify prayer, and prayer will in turn amplify yet greater love--and this will go on and on!

People, both inside and outside of the Church, both saved and unsaved, will look back on 2007 as the year LOVE began to take a firm hold of the Body of Christ.

What I saw were these houses:


This house is the house of prayer that exists for all nations to come into. This is a personal and a corporate "House." So it's a "place" of prayer--a house of prayer. But beyond that, it's a place to pray FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL NATIONS.


This house also has a dual-ism to it. Many caught in sins of "ill repute" will be suddenly delivered this year, just because God has chosen this year to demonstrate HIS deliverance, which goes beyond the scope of all our efforts so far. Further, those who have a "reputation" for being "ill" will be suddenly healed from Heaven, often without the seeming help of prayers (though much prayer will help). Chronic illness will often disappear overnight.


In this House, I saw that many would go home to be with Jesus, even though their lives were not considered to be Holy enough by those who looked at them:

"If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.

If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames." 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 (emphasis added)


God is not mad at the Church for whom He died. But just as the above Scripture indicates, many this year will see their "house" of cards fall, because they simply forgot to ask God for permission to build some things. So their winnings, based on gambling, will cause some efforts to fail. Make sure you have prophecies and permissions for new ventures.


This house is where many live who have judged others of the very things they do themselves. This is the glass house from which they should not be throwing stones. This year, because love is so important, when you judge others for the same things you do, you will see a quick judgment from Heaven on those things:

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


This is the most important house of all. For many it may SEEM like the darkest hour of all, but 2007 is the year to move into and receive your life from THE "House of Love" HIMSELF!

These words came rushing into my heart prophetically as I listened to the Lord. God will demonstrate HIS Grace in 2007, through HIS OWN HOUSE OF LOVE.

house of love"Sometimes life is funny
You think you're in your
darkest hour
When the lights are coming on
In the house of love"

--Amy Grant (Lyrics from the CD, House of Love)

Steve Shultz
The Elijah List & ElijahRain magazine

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