Thursday, November 17, 2005

Powerlessness: Unnecessary and Unbalanced part 1

"Some Christians actually have considered it to be more noble to choose character over power. But we must not seperate the two. It is an unjustafiable, illigitimate choice. Together they bring us to the only real issue -- obedience." Bill Johnson

We have been reading this book during our family reading times called "WHEN HEAVEN INVADES EARTH" by Bill Johnson. You can find it at the MUSIC AND BOOKSTORE link on our website -- It is being offered at a 21% discount and could start you on the road to "A Life of Miracles".

At the end of chapter 9, the author states, "In the next chapter we'll discover which is more important, character or power. The answer may surprise you". This is a "teaser" that drives you to go on to the next chapter even though it's late at night and you're very tired. That is exactly what it did to me. There are some very key thoughts on "character or power". There is much that is noteworthy, but I won't get to it all, I'm sure.

The idea of powerlessness in the church today runs throughout the chapter. There are some hard-hitting words that will either shake us into obedience or harden our hearts toward the truth Pastor Johnson is presenting.

It's a religious mindset that says, "I'll pursue signs and wonders when I know I have more of the character of Christ in me." Without the power of God, Christians are just like any other good/nice citizens. It is only a form of Godliness, without power. Bills says, "Every believer should be highly respected AND MORE. It's the and more part that we're often lacking.

"Does anyone think that God is impressed with us when we tell Him, 'I'll obey You when I have more character?' Character is shaped through obedience. Isn't it ironic that Christians will disobey God by not diligently seeking spiritual gifts -- they won't lay hands on the sick or seek to deliver the demonized -- because they realize their need for more character? In none of the commissions of Jesus to his disciples did He deal specifically with character."

I'm sure that that teaching alone will probably make a good evangelical shake in their shoes. How many of us have thought that we have to become better Christians before we can be used by God? Johnson says, "That single lie has kept us in perpetual immaturity because it protects us from the power-encounter that transforms us. The result is we have converts trained and over trained until they have no life, vision, or ingenuity left."

Sometimes our "wisdom" that comes from experiences such as Bible school and the like, can be more of a hinderance to the works of the Father than a help. Just last Sunday a gentlman testified that he used to be radical -- he used to pray for people in wheelchairs and believe for healing. What happened to that zeal? Was it "life"? Too much teaching? I don't know, but I know I would rather be on the street witnessing with a "baby" Christian who has the fire of God on them, than be with a "seasoned" Christian who is stuck in his ways and has no zeal for God or faith to believe for the impossible to be accomplished! I'm sick AND tired of powerlessness!

Oh God, continue to move in our hearts to stay near your. You are the power source. Without You we have no power to do the works of our Father. Help us to stay plugged into You. Charge us up Lord with your power so that we can change the world.

More on this chapter next time.

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