Friday, November 18, 2005

Powerlessness: Unnecessary and Unbalanced part 2

"A counterfeit hundred dollar bill does not nullify the value of the real thing. Likewise, a counterfeit, abused, or abandoned gift does not invalidate our need for the Holy Spirit's power to live as Jesus did... the abuses of one person never justify the neglect of another." Bill Johnson

I have seen this happen before. A man who ministers in faith and power fell. So what happens next? The baby gets thrown out with the bath water. We get leary of those who flow in faith and power. The mear mention of the mans name causes fear of what would happen if we allow that to happen again. We start shutting down ministries such as those that flow in the gifts of miracles and prophecy because we are afraid of their might be character issues in those that are gifted that way. That fear leads the way to powerlessness. It's a sad thing when that happens and I believe it grieves the heart of the One who gives us those gifts to bring life to the people He loves so much.

Bill Johnson said in his book in Chapter 10, "Many of those who are embarrassed over the abuses of power, and the subsequent blemishes upon the Church, are seldom offended over the absence of signs and wonders... For every charlatan there are a thousand good citizens who accomplish little or nothing for the Kingdom."

God help us! What an indictment and how accurate. How many of us are actually making a difference in our community? But yet we can use someone elses failings as an excuse for our disobedience.

Bill goes on to say, "If I focus on my need to protect myself from deception, I will always be overwhelmingly aware of the power of the devil. If my heart is completely turned to the One who is 'able to keep me from falling,' He is the only One I become impressed with. My life reflects what I see with my heart."

We become like what we behold. O, we've got to stay in love with Jesus -- we've got to spend time with Him. It is crucial to our very existence. We can't let go of that. If we do, we will be powerless.

More on Chapter 10 next time.

We have been reading this book during our family reading times. You can find it at the MUSIC AND BOOKSTORE link on our website -- It is being offered at a 21% discount and, I believe, would be of great benefit to all who want more of God in their lives.

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