Friday, June 15, 2007

Let It Rain

Article courtesy of
Day 19 of "40 Days for 40 Years" 21 Days to Go

Biblical standards of morality are no longer accepted in America. We actually allow homosexual "marriages" and "families." We pass out condoms to high school students, after teaching them about sex. Purity is mocked; immorality is lauded. The result? More than 40 percent of teenage girls get pregnant before reaching the age of 20. That's double the rate in England and 10 times that in the Netherlands. Sixty-six percent of students report having sex before leaving high school, and 25 percent of those sexually active teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease.

Many scientists, no longer hesitant to teach theory as fact, tell us we're made in the image of monkeys rather than God and are against even the sharing of biblical perspectives. No wonder life is cheap in America and we experiment on aborted babies, nonchalantly referring to them as 'fetal tissue.' Taking babies from the womb to the dumpster is now a deplorably shocking part of American history.

But this can change! I refuse to give this nation to the humanists, atheists, and liberal politicians—those morally bankrupt individuals who want God and the Bible out of America. Though much ground has been lost to them, it is not too late. This is not their land, it is God's and ours! 'The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof" (Psalms 24:1, KJV).

A newspaper story out of Iowa a few years ago told of an amazing thing that happened in a storm. An awful bolt of lightening produced a loud rumble that activated the chimes in a church steeple. For the next several minutes, while the lightening flashed and the thunder rolled, the chimes rang out a beautiful song, "How Great Thou Art."

Our great God is about to send a rain of His Spirit to the parched land of America!

By Dutch Sheets

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