Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Myanmar's Christians Look for Revival in the Midst of Cyclone Tragedy

Courtesy of (BCN)

Aimee Herd (June 4, 2008)

Even Buddhists are beginning to open their hearts to the Gospel.

Children of Myanmar pray(Myanmar)—As the government and military in Myanmar (also known as Burma) is finally beginning to allow other countries, such as the United States, to provide relief and aid to the country's cyclone victims, God has already been at work. (Photo: CWN/CBN)

A CBN video shows orphans praying and praising God for protecting them during Cyclone Nargis' devastation. They are just one of many stories of survival coming from the storm-ravaged area.

One woman shares how the Lord kept her home from being destroyed by a neighboring church, which had begun swaying in the overpowering winds at midnight. "I prayed to God to send His angels to protect us," she said. "He gave me the verse in Nahum 1:7-'The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble for those who trust in Him.' I believe the angels stretched their big wings to keep the big church from falling in the direction of our house."

In addition to several miraculous accounts, is a surmounting fire of revival spreading throughout the nation; among Christians and non-Christians alike.

Explaining that the cyclone's name, Nargis, means "snake," Pastor Steven Len Piang says he feels "this is a wakeup call to all Christians, especially to the Karen tribe who is the biggest Christian tribe in Myanmar and the first recipients of the Gospel."

Many seem to be hearing that call, evidenced by the doors opening for the spread of the Gospel, which weren't open before. David Vunga, director of the Myanmar Center for Church Planting, told CBN News, "We went to this village with 500 families all Buddhists," he began. "My dad had the privilege to preach about the living God and that He is sovereign. It was the first time that a Christian preached in their village. They begin to see a different light and they see that Christians are a loving people and care for their well-being."

For all of Junta's efforts to keep any Christian influence from coming into Myanmar, they cannot stop what God has already set in motion within Burma, by His Spirit.

To watch the CBN News report on video, and to read the full story, follow the link provided.

Source: Lucille Miranda – CWN, CBN News

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