Friday, July 13, 2007

Hindu shouted down while offering opening prayer for Senate session

(Photo from
hindu_capitol.jpgYesterday, in the U.S. Senate, history was made. For the first time ever a Hindu chaplain was asked to open the Senate in prayer. Click Here and read an account of the event from .

After reading the article go to the audio button that says "Hear this Report". The entire prayer is there, as well as the 2 people who shouted out before and during the prayer. As I listened to this brave man and woman who interrupted the Hindu prayer with prayers to Jesus, I thought about William Wallace and the price he paid to free Scotland.

One hundred of our Senators did nothing to stop this abomination, but thank God for the voice of these two people who cried out with boldness for God to forgive us for allowing this to happen.

Two days ago, when I first heard that a Hindu would be praying on July 12th to open the Senate, I emailed my U.S. Senators to request something be done. Nothing was done! However, two brave U.S. citizens did do something, and I for one, appreciate what they did. May their prayers not have been in vain and may God forgive us for turning our back on Him.

Allegiance to the One True God,
Joe Cuda

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