Friday, July 27, 2007


When I read the following article in a newsletter from H. B. London Jr. yesterday, I was struck by the simplicity of what was written, while at the same time receiving the power of the Holy Spirit that was revealed through those words. Read it for yourself and receive all that Christ has for you each day of your life!

For His Glory,


The truth is this: Some of you entered this day with rejoicing and some of you in despair. And some of you just entered the day without a plan.

Earlier this week, I shared with my staff a thought or two that might encourage you, and perhaps you could use to help another find renewed meaning for their days.


"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

We have quoted that scripture often, but I wonder if we have given it adequate thought. God has ordered and ordained the day. He has put us in His plans for the day, and that should make us feel really good. The Psalmist does not say how the day will go, or what it will look like — he just simply says, "The Lord has made it." My advice: Surrender to the day with thanksgiving and live in awe that God has given us permission to join Him in its unfolding.


It always amazes me how some can really get so much out of 24 hours, while others waste much of their day.

The Psalmist says, "Show me, O Lord — the number of my days" (Psalm 39:4). The Psalmist was frustrated. He was being assailed by the enemy. Like a lot of us, he was wondering if he was making any difference. The days were just flying by. What's the use?

All of a sudden, it dawns on him that he did what he did because God asked him to. Though men's opinions must be taken into account, it is how God sees things that matter. And, in Psalm 40, he rejoices, "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to God" (Psalm 40:3). The day may not look exactly like you want it to — but wait patiently for the Lord. Just make your day count.


Do you begin each day with a purpose in mind? Do you have goals for each day or do you just start your day with no specifics in mind? When we have a plan, it is God who completes that plan — but do you have a plan? "What is your life?" (James 4:14)

And each of us must surrender our plans to the Lord each day. He will orchestrate the day, but He needs to know we are workmen who are diligent and productive. In fact, if we know what should be done and can be done to God's glory, and we fail to seize the opportunity, we have failed God. James calls it "sin" (James 4:17).

So, my colleague, all you have is today. It will pass by quickly. When the day is over, what will we have contributed to the greater good, and how will we have embraced God's plan? The ministry is one calling that can be easily shortchanged. Please do not make that mistake. Your contribution is much too important. Can you believe that?

Be blessed and be a blessing. —HBL

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