Friday, October 21, 2005


A few days ago I was talking about chapter 7 in the book "WHEN HEAVEN INVADES EARTH". I want to share a few more of my thoughts on that inspired chapter, but first, let me recommend this book to you. It is full of the "Kingdom of God" message that Jesus preached and how we can do the works Jesus did. My life and my family is being impacted as we attempt to walk out some of these principles. I believe yours would be impacted as well. You can find it for a 21% discount in our bookstore at (then click on the menu item "Music and Bookstore").

The author, Bill Johnson, in the section called "The Realm Beyond Reason" states, "The realm beyond reason is the world of obedience to God. Obedience is the expression of faith, and faith is our claim ticket to the God realm."

The Holy Spirit has been stressing obedience to us for the past 6 months. We are seeing that obedience is the key to so much of God's Kingdom. It's not a "new" message, but one that we were being lax in. If we really want "as in heaven so on earth", we must obey! We must follow the Holy Spirit's lead in our lives. What Bill said is so true, when we obey it shows God our faith in Him, and we know faith can move mountains -- faith in God can heal the sick and rase the dead just as Jesus did... but it starts with our obedience!

Pastor Johnson goes on to say in this section, "For most churches, very little of what we do is dependent upon the Holy Spirit. If He were not to show up, most churches would never miss Him... We plan our services and call it diligence. We plan our year, and call it vision. I'll never forget the Sunday that the Lord informed me that it wasn't my service, and I couldn't do as I pleased."

How can we expect the Holy Spirit to move in our services when we don't even give Him any room? God, help Your Church to open up to Your Presence and to flow with Your Holy Spirit -- that's where THE Life is.

As I have been drawing closer to His Spirit this year a major thing has been happening in my life. My heart has been burning with desire to be with the Holy Spirit more than I ever remember before in my life. When I pray I want to listen to what he has to say more than just keep blabbing on and on about this situation or that. It's a "deep calling unto deep" time for me. God's presence is changing me -- the presence of the living God!

Pleasing God is all that matters -- pleasing man is no longer on my agenda. I know if I am truly pleasing God, loving and helping my fellow man in a God-way will fall into place. What it boils down to is seeking the Kingdom of God first and obeying His voice! Lord, lead me on in my faith walk -- keep me in the flow of your Holy Spirit... Keep me red-hot for You Jesus, my King!

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